This entry seems to contradict the first, which trying to define 'volleyball alternative', but thinking However, the park can be perfectly volley alternative other than fun, and also if someone organizes a tournament friendly wherever it is, welcome!
On September 28 the Club of Santa Coloma de Farners Voleiparc 4X4 organized a tournament in San Salvador park on the outskirts of town. There were male and female categories, the latter could be mixed. Registration of 10 € per team, including water, pica-pica, fruit and a souvenir T-shirt. The weather was very nice park and friendly atmosphere. Participating teams in the female category were 5 (the final two teams could not come). Apart from the local computer, Gaudeix-ne, were Cebes Tendres d 'Arbúcies , Cellera and Fuser, who presented two groups. In the end the results were: 1, Fuser
1 Fuser 2
2 º 3 º Cebes
have of Arbúcies.
tournaments like this, with good vibes and outdoors, should be an example to the rock.