Sunday, July 26, 2009

Elastic Wristband Meaning

II Play volleyball

Today we'll get into the mess of social psychology with a series of notes that can help us to better understand the functioning of a team sport such as volleyball. Without any pretension of giving lectures, but only to provide the grain of sand in this case a little Theoretical and for deepening our sport.

There is a dynamic, if there is a group, will prevent the development and success. It is the cohesion group. Is defined as the set of forces acting on the group members so that they continue to belong to him (1). There are two types of cohesion that should be taken into account: social cohesion and task cohesion . The social cohesion not necessarily easy success in a task, as members of the group can not get along and instead be highly motivated to achieve their goals. However, experts say that, apparently, the fact remain in a group for a long time ago that its members have a strong desire for group success and show a high level of cohesion, which seems logical if we consider the fact that there are teams that have strung a long series of victories, something unthinkable if there is social cohesion (2).

Different factors affect the cohesion in the field of team sports:
environmental factors (the characteristics of the institution that acts as the substrate to the team, peer pressure or lack of it, the support and involvement of family and friends players)
personal factors (a balanced and open, making friends, the ability to indulge in a team and fight for a common goal without thinking too much of himself, the generosity and the ability to sacrifice personal .
team factors (the organization and the clear distribution of responsibilities within the group) and
4. Leadership Factors
(in every group there is always an individual who stands as a leading "natural" group and depending on its convening power and his personal attraction will generate more or less cohesion in the group).

other hand, some theories postulate that the higher the group cohesion, performance or success. This success in turn generates greater satisfaction, which in turn creates more cohesion in the group. Other theories say it is the success that strengthens the cohesion and therefore greater satisfaction. Anyway, first the chicken or the egg, we conclude that l to group cohesion is an essential element to generate satisfaction among the members and that this satisfaction performance power team.

Smash (1) See Festinger social psychologists, Schatan and Back (1950)
(2) See Carron and Ball (1976)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Spanish Thank You For Wedding

Voleiboom: Tenth anniversary

This year, the tournament Voleiboom 4x4 - which has become a classic summer-has reached its tenth anniversary. The weekend of 18 and 19 July 2009 played in 24 regular tracks on the beach of Castelldefels no less than 172 teams! Divided into three levels: female, male and popular (should be called mixed), was organized as a new "all stars" with players selected by Xavi Bosma, silver medal in beach volleyball Olympic Games in Athens. Too bad the end was not pass out the promised umbrellas for protection from the harsh sun and the souvenir T-shirt is so ugly. Moreover, a pleasure. As always, the important thing is to participate. Smash