Sunday, August 31, 2008
Diary Wimpy Kid Funbrain
1-.-Explain in your words, what are the skills and he understands by that term?
competencies serve as the backdrop against which you can not act directly, as they are not observable. Given this the attention is focused on tasks, structured in subdivisions that account for the varying complexity. Thus, the micro intervention should lead to improvements in the macro. Unique task, you get to the macro results of an organization or profession.
you mean by that term?
is to have all those tools and strategies for building meaningful learning and give a critical value in the circumstances.
2.-After reading the document "sense of the word COMPETITION" Would you change your definition? Is that what aspects harías.R. "I think the meaning is well established, and that means seeking skills strategies to achieve a goal and this is done correctly. Faced with this challenge would leave him in the eleven-Write término.3. generic competencies that are defined in the Common Curriculum Framework
· We know and value themselves and addresses problems and challenges taking into account the objectives pursued.
• It is sensitive to art and participates in the assessment and interpretation of their expressions in various genres.
· Choose and practice healthy lifestyles.
· Listen, interprets and delivers relevant messages in different contexts through the use of media, appropriate codes and tools.
· Develops own innovations and
· Sustains a personal position on issues of interest and relevance, considering other points of view critically and reflectively.
· Learn initiative and self-interest over the life.
· Participates and collaborates effectively in diverse teams.
· with a civic conscience and ethics in the life of their community, region, Mexico and the world.
• Maintains a respectful attitude towards multiculturalism and diversity of beliefs, values, ideas and practices.
Contributes to sustainable development in a critical, responsible actions.
\\ \\
4 .- How do you think I should be and what is a competency-based training?
The practitioners and trainees have
role in the definition of what it means to be competent
as counselor / a.
Do not you forget the work on the concepts and personal positions to the profession.
• The collaboration, collective work must be part of the learning process.
• The person that is forming must question the sense of their own
training, his understanding and practice the profession in light of their life projects.
can not develop an exhaustive list and limited powers to
developed by the professionals for guidance.
5 .- What does this approach to student life perspective?
R. - A comprehensive training, the young man from a range of comoconocimientos tools, skills, abilities, aptitudes, attitudes to apply them in daily suvida. FABIAN RENE IBARRA
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Mucus Consistency Before Menstruation
Questionnaire Ricardo Centeno
Explain in your words, What are the skills and how you define that term?
In the time I worked as a professor at CONALEP in all curricula have always driven the concept of competencies, skills and contextualization. For me as for many of you is not again COMPETITION term but I would like to know some terms of the powers with which I work.
So do not have their own opinion but are parameters of my work and give an opinion on the concept and not a whole not be correct.
Job Skills:
skills are defined as the individual to perform the same function productively in different contexts and based on the quality requirements expected by the productive sector. These skills are achieved through the acquisition and development of knowledge, skills and abilities that are expressed in the know, know-how, know-being and the knowledge to be.
Basic Skills:
Scientific - theoretical : Those that give students skills for the conceptualization of principles, laws and theories to the understanding and application to production processes, and foster the transfer of knowledge.
Technology: refer to the skills and knowledge skills to the understanding of the technologies in a broad sense, to help you develop the ability to adapt in a world of constant technological change.
Analytical: These refer to internal cognitive processes necessary to symbolize, represent ideas, images, concepts or other abstractions. Equip students with skills to infer, predict and interpret results.
Logic: This refers to the reasoning skills that allow you to analyze the validity of theories, principles and arguments. Just as we provide oral and written communication. These thinking skills allow you to pass the common sense logic of science. These responsibilities are also handling languages.
Key Skills:
For information : Ability to search and use various sources of information and usability of information technology and telecommunications.
For the sustainability : Applying concepts, principles and procedures that promote sustainable development, with emphasis on environmental protection and control for sustainability.
quality: Application of concepts and tools of the theories of total quality and quality assurance, and their relationship with humans.
Entrepreneurs: To develop creativity, promote self-employment and strengthening the capacity of self-advocates.
For life : Powers relating to the development of skills and attitudes grounded in ethical and social values. Would foster individual responsibility, collaboration, critical thinking and purposeful and harmonious coexistence in society.
2. After reading the document " meanings of the term competence ", would you change your definition?
not because the competition in a way I understand it as a status that everyone should cover EMS level as in European countries should be a quality of our students, and I agree with Eudald Carbonell, not shooting well but to identify the purpose and cease to exist if competitiveness would be a better world.
Is what aspects would.
3. Escribe las once competencias genéricas que se han definido en el Marco Curricular Común.
1. el alumnos se conoce y valora a sí mismo y aborda problemas y retos teniendo en
Cuenta los objetivos que persigue.
Enfrenta las dificultades que se le presentan y es consciente de sus
valores, fortalezas y debilidades.
Identify your emotions, are handled in a constructive and
recognizes the need to seek support in a situation that
Choose alternatives and courses of action based on criteria
supported within the framework of a life project.
critically analyzes the factors that influence their decision-
assumes the consequences of their behaviors and decisions.
Manage available resources taking into account the
restrictions to achieve their goals.
2. The student should be sensitive to art and participates in the assessment and interpretation of
expressions in various genres.
values \u200b\u200bart as a manifestation of beauty and expression of ideas,
feelings and emotions.
experience art as a shared historical fact allows
communication between individuals and cultures in time and space,
developing a sense of identity.
Participate in art-related practices.
3. Choose and practice healthy lifestyles.
recognizes exercise as a means of physical,
mental and social.
makes decisions based on the assessment of the consequences of
consumption habits and other risk behaviors.
Grow relationships that contribute to its development
human and those around him.
4. Listens, interprets and delivers relevant messages in different contexts
using media codes and appropriate tools.
Expresses ideas and concepts through performances linguistic
math or graphs.
Apply various communication strategies according to those who are their
partners, the context in which the objectives are and
pursues .
Identifies key ideas in a text or oral discourse and infers
conclusions from them.
Communicates in a second language in everyday situations.
Manages information technology and communication
information and express ideas.
5. Develops and proposes innovative solutions to problems from
established methods.
Follow instructions and procedures in a thoughtful,
understanding how each of its steps contributes to the scope
a target.
Sort information according to categories, hierarchies and relationships.
identifies the systems and rules and core principles that underlie
a number of phenomena.
Build hypothesis and design and implement models to test their
summarizes evidence obtained through experimentation
produce conclusions and formulate new questions.
use of information technologies and communication
process and interpret information.
6. Sustains a personal position on issues of interest and relevance,
considering other points of view critically and reflectively.
Choose the most relevant sources of information for a purpose
specific and discriminates among them according to their relevance and
evaluate arguments and opinions and identify prejudices and fallacies.
Recognizes own biases, adjust their views to
meet new evidence, and integrate new knowledge and
perspectives to acquis in that account.
Structure ideas and arguments in a clear, consistent and
7. Learn initiative and self-interest over the life.
Define goals and track their building processes
Identify the activities that are of lesser and greater interest and
difficulty recognizing and controlling their reactions to challenges and
articulates knowledge from various fields and establishing relationships between
them and their daily lives.
8. Participates and collaborates effectively in diverse teams.
proposes ways to solve problems or develop a
project team, defining a course of action steps
brings with open views and considers the other
people reflexively.
assumes a constructive, consistent with the knowledge and
skills with counts within different teams
9. Involved with a civic conscience and ethics in the life of their community,
region, Mexico and the world.
privileges the dialogue as a mechanism for conflict resolution.
makes decisions in order to contribute to equity, welfare and
democratic development of society.
know your rights and obligations as a member of
various communities and institutions, and recognizes the value of
participation as a tool to exercise.
contributes to achieving a balance between the interest and welfare
individual and the general interest of society.
acts as a proposal in front of societal phenomena and
kept informed.
Note that the phenomena that take place at local,
occur within a global context
10.Mantiene a respectful attitude towards multiculturalism and diversity
beliefs, values, ideas and practices.
recognizes that diversity takes place in a space
equal dignity and rights of all people, and rejects
all forms of discrimination.
dialogue and learn from people with different views and
cultural traditions by placing their own
circumstances in a broader context.
assumes that respect for differences is the integration principle
and coexistence in local contexts, nationally and internationally.
11. Contributes to sustainable development in a critical manner with actions
assumes an attitude that favors the solution of problems
environmental at local, national and international.
acknowledge and understand the biological implications, economic,
social policies and environmental damage in a global context
contributed to achieve a balance between the interests of short and
long term in relation to the environment.
4. How do you think should be and what is a competency-based training?
is important to unify criteria eduacion in Mexico and promote a standard of living and that everyone in the EMS to achieve a status as cultural, economic and social, historical and identity, I agree with free transit system and the unification of the sub, but I must admit I like a single school system, something like the primary, but in this case where each student choose a specialty from the third quarter for professional training .
5. What does this approach to student life perspective?
Getting individuals to develop within a context of education and work, and so it has the ability to differentiate and appreciate art as well as to reason with adverse situations that arise in your life. Also who value their lives and how they live it.
6. Are differences between the previous educational approach and the present, what are they?
Well until recently in Mexico is handling the concept of humanistic education gradually transcended in our country, within large institutions at the top and this reinforces the fact that the quality of life is reached within a framework of competition law, citing a fact Charles Mark "men who live and live under similar situations have the same reactions and thoughts" that's the big difference now opt for good social and educational development of people has not always been so there are many people that their education was completely closed within a campus and were focused only to exact sciences and their relationship with society is harder still.
Attorney Agent Introduction Let
1.-Explain in your words, what are the competencies, and mean by that term?
you mean by that term
R. - My understanding is that all human beings bring a box or package, with a
range of issues, we will help you become proficient in certain things.
example, a young man who is proficient in speaking, is not only properly learned
speaking his piece, in this participation will have this, his feelings,
emotional tions, skills, knowledge, motivation, support, etc. Is all that is necessary for
get things done very well.
2.-After reading the document "sense of the word COMPETITION"
you change your definition? Is that aspect would.
R.-no, change it, I like my definition considers that it is complete, this definition encompasses
whole human being. probably say is a body of knowledge, usually from
LITIES and behaviors that form the attitude of a human being. We're managing
competency-based approach by constructivism, where each student based
to their prior knowledge, new skills take place.
3.-Write eleven generic competencies that are defined in the Framework curricular
lar Joint.
THROUGH THE USE OF MEDIA, codes and tools
appropriate treatment.
established methods.
critical and reflective.
8.-PART and collaborate effectively in diverse teams
10.MANTIENE a respectful attitude towards
responsible action.
4 .- How do you think should be and what is an education based on competencies
R.-Based on previous knowledge of student learning experiences are created
significant to further develop skills to form an integral
developing their areas, emotional, and psicomtriz cognositiva, it will the best
way to prepare them for life.
5 .- What does this approach to student life perspective?
R. - A comprehensive training, the young man from a range of tools such as
knowledge, skills, abilities, aptitudes, attitudes to apply them in their daily life
The student is now ready for field work, as in business or work
low, are managed on the basis of competence, will not be difficult performed.
R.-assessment forms are accurate
there a way to certification
plans and programs are geared to the requirements of business
The student is constantly updated
constructivism-based learning
was studied in six semesters
Is organized around 3 components: Basic training, propedèu-
policy and training.
are assessed attitudes, knowledge and skills
is a school with quality standards
transit is provided by the schools
There is a school-business link-student system
competency studies
competency model with no rigidity in the curriculum
Every time the student works, must leave evidence of their work
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Cooking Chicken Legs Microwave
The economic factor
never understood, either before or after the tournament, which was charged € 69 per person (621 € paid for each team), if that change has only gained the right to play in the ineffable and a few bottles of water on the first day of the tournament, as The second day gave the same bottles the day before, but filled with tap water! When complaints to the organization launched by the exorbitant price, they said, "but you have the village, opening and closing the free." We do not tell stories. All this could leave them pretty cheap with the help of City Hall. The village was nothing but a sample of NGOs, making propaganda, which could be very good, but I do not know why I have to pay athletes, many times, especially if they are local, they have no time to go see him. The inauguration was done all by volunteers, so it was ad honorem , only had to pay the local council and I suppose that helped, but he asks rhetorically what Jordi Hereu giving speeches made there. " The closure was on the street, so it had to pay or local ... Panteres Lords, did you not give even a vile snack during the tournament, I ask where does all the money has been paid to the teams?
organizational factor
ranker Zero, using the familiar expression. The accreditation soon far, no data were the registered things had to improvise on the fly (apparently they had stolen computers, but gentlemen, that's lack of foresight, therefore organization). Second bad feeling: to make people wait more hours out of Sant Jordi and without giving anything before the parade. As for the inauguration itself, is not anticipated that began as political discourse people begin to leave? What does it matter to a Finnish handball player in Catalan discourse of the minister may or Easter? The tournament itself, we deal in the sport.
Sports Factor
I have never seen in my long experience in European competitions as a judge and organizer of the tournament. And if that was because there was no choice, never an organizer was to favor its own equipment. It would have been rude and inelegant for those teams that had come so far. However, in these Eurogames 2008, sad to say, has been the case. The coordinator of women's volleyball tournament was the same coach of the team bearing the name of the organizers, Panteres Grogues . Never been clear rules of the tournament, there was confusion even among the referees. When players approached asking abroad in English, had no Who will explain anything. That gave rise to the standard to be used more suited to the local at the time that suited them. Obviously, the coordinator justified everything that favored his team. Towards the end of the tie, and when I had to confirm which teams went into the final round the following day (because there never was a board where they could continue the partial results) announced that they had lost minutes of today's game (which so rare) and had to redo the calculations by hand. That hand, of course, could not be other than the coordinator of the event.
The propaganda factor
Lo importante de torneos como éstos, no es sólo traértelos a tu ciudad, eso no tiene ningún mérito, lo importante es hacer que toda la ciudad participe, se implique, incluso todo el país. Hacer del torneo un punto de encuentro y de inflexión en los medios de comunicación, hacer que el ciudadano de a pie pueda ir a animar a los deportistas, que se reflexione sobre el hecho gay, que salga cada día en los periódicos... En cambio de esto, hemos tenido un torneo silenciado, desconocido, una actividad más del ghetto gay-lésbico. Pregúntenle a cualquiera que esté fuera del "ambiente", o que estando dentro de éste no haga deporte, si sabía algo de este torneo por mínimo que sea. What a difference to Amsterdam! In Barcelona and in the rest of Spain has not advertised the tournament or on billboards or in newspapers, radio or internet. At least we have not seen anything.
The social factor
this league with the former, because if the population was not aware of the event, could hardly participate. But we also wanted to talk about volunteering. Apparently, at the volleyball tournament there were many volunteers who failed at the last minute. At least that's what we reported in the ineffable. These are astronomical, but they can also respond to the fact that the Association organized the event does not have enough capacity to attract, and the reasons for this inability as a matter of who made themselves a self-examination. What is clear is that a volunteer can also be discouraging when you see that chaos reigns. Smash