Sunday, August 31, 2008

Diary Wimpy Kid Funbrain

Questionnaire Ricardo Cazares

1-.-Explain in your words, what are the skills and he understands by that term?
competencies serve as the backdrop against which you can not act directly, as they are not observable. Given this the attention is focused on tasks, structured in subdivisions that account for the varying complexity. Thus, the micro intervention should lead to improvements in the macro. Unique task, you get to the macro results of an organization or profession.
you mean by that term?
is to have all those tools and strategies for building meaningful learning and give a critical value in the circumstances.
2.-After reading the document "sense of the word COMPETITION" Would you change your definition? Is that what aspects harías.R. "I think the meaning is well established, and that means seeking skills strategies to achieve a goal and this is done correctly. Faced with this challenge would leave him in the eleven-Write término.3. generic competencies that are defined in the Common Curriculum Framework
· We know and value themselves and addresses problems and challenges taking into account the objectives pursued.
• It is sensitive to art and participates in the assessment and interpretation of their expressions in various genres.
· Choose and practice healthy lifestyles.
· Listen, interprets and delivers relevant messages in different contexts through the use of media, appropriate codes and tools.
· Develops own innovations and
· Sustains a personal position on issues of interest and relevance, considering other points of view critically and reflectively.
· Learn initiative and self-interest over the life.
· Participates and collaborates effectively in diverse teams.
· with a civic conscience and ethics in the life of their community, region, Mexico and the world.
• Maintains a respectful attitude towards multiculturalism and diversity of beliefs, values, ideas and practices.
Contributes to sustainable development in a critical, responsible actions.

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4 .- How do you think I should be and what is a competency-based training?
The practitioners and trainees have
role in the definition of what it means to be competent
as counselor / a.

Do not you forget the work on the concepts and personal positions to the profession.

• The collaboration, collective work must be part of the learning process.

• The person that is forming must question the sense of their own
training, his understanding and practice the profession in light of their life projects.
can not develop an exhaustive list and limited powers to
developed by the professionals for guidance.

5 .- What does this approach to student life perspective?
R. - A comprehensive training, the young man from a range of comoconocimientos tools, skills, abilities, aptitudes, attitudes to apply them in daily suvida. FABIAN RENE IBARRA


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