Good afternoon fellow, sent back my participation in the Week 3
Why should changes be made. Comprehensive Reform. GUADALUPE
1 .- What is the main parcel of Higher Secondary Education in the current social and productive. 2 .-
that principles underlying the educational proposal
3 .- What are the mechanisms of management reform. OPINION
1 .- What is the main parcel of Higher Secondary Education in the current social and productive.
Find the common goals of the subsystems to enhance their blogs.
is recognized as an area for training people whose knowledge and skills should enable them to develop in a satisfactory manner, either in college or work and more generally in life.
In the social context of her graduate-aged individuals to exercise their rights and obligations as citizens and as such must meet in addition to knowledge and skills that define their personal development, a set of attitudes and values \u200b\u200bthat have positive impact in your community and the country as a whole. Hubs
1 .- Construction of a common curriculum framework based on competencies, present and future needs.
2 .- Define the operating characteristics
3 .- Mechanisms management reform to strengthen the academic performance of students and improve the quality of institutions, to meet minimum standards and follow shared processes.
4 .- Recognition of studies, shared goals between institutions of the EMS, and Certification Challenges
to find identity in the EMS
• Expanded coverage
• Improving the quality
• Search
equity Extension
coverage most remarkable growth of the education system in the coming years will be in the EMS.
Mexico provides less progress in coverage.
Mexico has an EMS in expansion which Mexico should prepare a larger number of young people.
promote staying in school.
The goal is that students receive education should contribute to growth as individuals dare the development of skills and attitudes that enable them to function adequately as members of society. Quality
• Stay in school
• Achieve a solid ethical education, and civic, the domain of knowledge, skills and abilities
Learning occurs in a meaningful context for young people, this raises the coverage and retention the EMS.
transformations and mechanisms for generation and exchange information to these changes, you agree to the education system to adopt strategies to meet the task of forming people ready to face the challenges ahead.
circumstances of today.
that young people are thoughtful, with personal opinions, to make exchange of contexts, which are positive.
Quality EMS education
• Quality • Facilities upgraded facilities
• Teaching
• With the right profile to the EMS
powers supply quality
• Career Counseling • Tutorials
• Assessment of learning
Equity Education has been one of the most effective way to achieve social mobility.
The school must play a role in equalizing opportunities, this is achieved if the education provision responds to the challenges presented with the groups in greatest need.
Low quality and relevance of education is an issue of utmost importance that must be addressed to increase coverage in the EMS.
We need to strengthen the coverage, equity and quality in the EMS, so it makes sense to study it.
Obstacles to increase coverage, improve quality and seek fairness. Stiffness
programs. Lack of equivalence
between plans and subsystems. Current
structure. Plans
junior varsity or terminal nature of incorporation for the job.
That there is a structure characteristic of the EMS curriculum that allows and encourages diversity while recognizing that all institutions of this level are part of the same subsystem.
2 .- that the proposal is based early education curriculum
The proposal aims at the creation of a National High School in a context of diversity.
This system aims at strengthening the identity of a medium term horizon, which offers relevant options and relevant to students with modern methods and resources for learning and assessment mechanisms that contribute to educational quality within a framework of curriculum integration to maximize the benefits of diversity.
This suggests three basic principles that should be on the basis of global consensus.
• universal recognition of all types and sub-baccalaureate.
• Relevance and relevance of curricula
• Traffic between subsystems and schools
universal recognition of all types and sub-baccalaureate.
The EMS should ensure that adolescents acquire certain common skills for a productive life and ethics.
Students who graduate from the EMS should receive a matriculation certificate. Additionally, institutions may issue partial certifications by type of study, such as those that apply for receiving information for the job.
All options of the EMS would continue to work according to its objectives and shall meet certain minimum standards.
should also sought an agreement that higher education institutions and employers recognize the high school certificate as proof that they have acquired the skills and knowledge set. Thus students may be accepted in higher education or the labor market.
relevance and significance curricula.
Curricula should address the need for personal relevance, social and work in the context of current world circumstances.
The curriculum must respond to the sociocultural and economic conditions of each region. Traffic between subsystems
that young people can bring the grades reached one school to another, and implies that partial records or certificates of study are recognized in the new schools target young people.
One of the advantages of creating a National High School Diversity is a framework that enables the portability of the studies, while preserving the identity institutions.
3 .- What are the mechanisms of management reform.
Common curriculum framework.
MCC responds to the imperative need of secondary education as the link between basic education and higher education.
reform can speak of a single school, hence its universal connotation.
MCC covers generic skills and basic discipline.
The extended skills to provide graduates with a technical qualification that may eventually become certified.
Regardless of the institution in which students study, share basic training is very important.
proposed reform allows an important adaptation to different needs, so that regional and national relevance of the curriculum becomes a reality as possible.
The MCC is intended to reflect on the meaning of knowledge to make learning relevant charged meaning in real life of students.
Generate a scientific culture and humanistic sense and articulate the different knowledge that is constructed and transformed in each of the disciplines. Institutions should note
competencies that make up the MCC with its plans and programs of study, accurately correlating each of the skills each one of its educational content.
A single competency can be developed and applied in different contexts, responding to diverse demands of reality.
One of the main challenges of the reform is one academic leadership and teaching staff with appropriate training and sufficient time great disposition to work collectively on projects relevant school.
Each teacher must carry out the work plan ensuring a design that allows the relationship between pedagogical models, didactic and technological appropriate skills training, for which the teacher will require information, pedagogical and technological support.
skills approach is based on a constructivist view that recognizes learning as a process that is built on an individual basis, where new knowledge make sense to pre-structuring and social interaction.
The teacher will encourage the creation of learning environments and educational situations appropriate to focus on skills, fostering research, collaborative work, problem solving, development of interdisciplinary education projects.
Students can build their school careers in the context of the MCC, the curriculum will be flexible and dynamic. The sequences of subjects should be governed at least possible.
graduates of institutions are very different profiles.
A direct benefit of the MCC, is to facilitate the creation of mechanisms to move between different schools and subsystems, which is a major advantage for students who are less likely to abandon their studies.
were implemented different types of school in order to ensure that all stakeholders in the EMS share the same identity.
direct certification means that if the graduate meets certain requirements presents a review and if approved will be granted or bachelor's degree.
reform to create the National High School is based on the creation and adoption of the MCC by of the various subsystems and modes of EMS.
The measures referred to are aimed at schools in EMS, but especially the most backward to reach the minimum standards to be established. This strengthens the support for the instruments that give the various institutions have equal recognition.
The construction of the entrance exam to the EMS to be applied in some subsystems and regions based on competencies.
needs to strengthen the quality of education.
• Integration of students to the new school environment, and remedial courses are required.
• Monitoring and support individual and group of students on with learning and academic work.
• Psychological and educational support to address specific problems through individual attention and / or group.
• Counselling, as appropriate, to choose more accurately the professional or academic options.
teachers will be required, in addition to mastering their subject, have the professional skills required competencies approach.
Teachers play a different role than traditional dictation to teach, to become facilitators of the learning processes of students.
In the design of participatory classes will foster collaborative learning, problem solving and work on projects. They must be capable of integrating generic skills in each of their areas of instruction.
The student assessment than tests will be done with other modalities such as portfolios of evidence, the rubrics and the full range of methodologies for assessing competence.
In terms of facilities and equipment.
Schools must have decent libraries, with computers to learn the use of information technologies and communications and benefit from education, and adequately equipped laboratories and workshops.
MCC which is based academic the National High School must be accompanied guidelines for school administration with transparent and uniform rules in all forms and subsystems.
There need to be minimum standards of operation relating to the rights and obligations of students, contributing to the retention of students in the educational system, providing paperwork, trajectories and changes in schools. SNB
assessment must be comprehensive to include all the components of educational assessment: resources, processes and outcomes.
One of the main objectives of the assessment should be to review the conditions exist that would satisfy the basic principles that are sought.
If a school is of poor quality is expected that students do not meet the competencies that will define the SNB, so that the title to obtain not have the same validity in the eyes of society than graduates of other schools.
learning assessment in systematic dimension will identify the strengths and weaknesses in the SNB.
test for the school bond that will be the first indicators of academic achievement to determine the performance of students by subsystem.
In the case of learning assessments made by teachers, it is necessary to do so from a perspective of competence.
The program evaluation will be through the review plans and programs of study in light of generic skills, discipline and professional defined.
institutions must certify that their educational programs incorporate the skills in those terms.
addition, we must take into account the actions taken to control contextual variables related to academic success or failure, whether family and social.
Teacher Evaluation should strengthen the autonomy of institutions and collegiate structures of each school in the staff appraisal process. Balbina
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
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Catalan Week 5. Comprehensive reform: teaching skills
Activity I identify my skills
Hello to all my fellow
This is my contribution:
As a teacher of upper secondary education system in the area of \u200b\u200bInformation Technology, at the beginning of each semester made a planning of these activities, it allows me to develop my skills and my skills in the classroom and in the computer lab where my students prove they really have learned.
From the beginning my planning paramount to me as a teacher is to review the program content of (the) or the materials for me to teach, and rethink whether the fundamental concepts and subsidiary are in line the module.
also the formulation of criteria for selecting the integrating theme, the design and development of the Strategy Focused on Learning, where the student is made to think, act and feel, either individually or in teams, and finally , develop the criteria for assessment of learning. Having done this, run the ACE and evaluated, so that I correct if any of the activities did not comply with planning
Based on the above, I identify with the powers of "Organize periodic training throughout his professional career, "" Planning the teaching and learning taking the competence approach, and places them in social contexts and broad disciplinary curriculum, "" It puts into practice the teaching and learning in an effective, creative and innovative institutional context "and" Evaluate the teaching and learning as an educational approach. "
is true that many teachers still do not accept that we are now learning facilitators and that our work is based mainly on making the student, a human being to develop skills that will serve throughout his life and for this the teacher who also must have developed values \u200b\u200band attitudes that enable them to live up to the circumstances.
Greetings to all and an apology for the delay
Catalan Week 5. Comprehensive reform: teaching skills
Activity I identify my skills
Hello to all my fellow
This is my contribution:
As a teacher of upper secondary education system in the area of \u200b\u200bInformation Technology, at the beginning of each semester made a planning of these activities, it allows me to develop my skills and my skills in the classroom and in the computer lab where my students prove they really have learned.
From the beginning my planning paramount to me as a teacher is to review the program content of (the) or the materials for me to teach, and rethink whether the fundamental concepts and subsidiary are in line the module.
also the formulation of criteria for selecting the integrating theme, the design and development of the Strategy Focused on Learning, where the student is made to think, act and feel, either individually or in teams, and finally , develop the criteria for assessment of learning. Having done this, run the ACE and evaluated, so that I correct if any of the activities did not comply with planning
Based on the above, I identify with the powers of "Organize periodic training throughout his professional career, "" Planning the teaching and learning taking the competence approach, and places them in social contexts and broad disciplinary curriculum, "" It puts into practice the teaching and learning in an effective, creative and innovative institutional context "and" Evaluate the teaching and learning as an educational approach. "
is true that many teachers still do not accept that we are now learning facilitators and that our work is based mainly on making the student, a human being to develop skills that will serve throughout his life and for this the teacher who also must have developed values \u200b\u200band attitudes that enable them to live up to the circumstances.
Greetings to all and an apology for the delay
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Description EXPERIENCE
Ricardo rye
Hello fellow
respect to the scaffold I can see that many of us were students in the late 70s, 80s and early 90s, where we had real regular teachers, and classes were given in the traditional context where the teacher had the last word, the only bad thing is that the curricula were never the best suited to today's theories arise, but that problem was exacerbated my special way of seeing in the last 10 years. What I would like then you know why the student EMS arrives knowing anything first semester, you should review the entire education system from primary, secondary and determine where the fault, because somehow EMS teachers received a number of students with poor guidance and many services already in them, I I join fellow anonymous comment on this notion to review not only EMS but the entire system.
Ricardo rye
Hello fellow
respect to the scaffold I can see that many of us were students in the late 70s, 80s and early 90s, where we had real regular teachers, and classes were given in the traditional context where the teacher had the last word, the only bad thing is that the curricula were never the best suited to today's theories arise, but that problem was exacerbated my special way of seeing in the last 10 years. What I would like then you know why the student EMS arrives knowing anything first semester, you should review the entire education system from primary, secondary and determine where the fault, because somehow EMS teachers received a number of students with poor guidance and many services already in them, I I join fellow anonymous comment on this notion to review not only EMS but the entire system.
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comment Comment Comment
Ricardo Centeno: Hi Abigay Cecena
The point that you touched in your comments about the 10 competencies is very true about the primary and secondary teachers, but then if we reflect the reform requires that we work better that way teachers of those levels of education since skills covered are different and many students begin their adulthood, and define the course in the foreground of his life.
Ricardo Centeno: Hi Abigay Cecena
The point that you touched in your comments about the 10 competencies is very true about the primary and secondary teachers, but then if we reflect the reform requires that we work better that way teachers of those levels of education since skills covered are different and many students begin their adulthood, and define the course in the foreground of his life.
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Ricardo Centeno: Guadalupe Celedon
hello I read your comment on the work to be done with parents and believe that it is possible one of the most important institutions of Mexico UNAM has for several years running together on all with students at CCH and CCH PREPARATORY I studied and never step on something. But now I'm surprised and I think it is most convenient. In fact in the CONALEP is beginning to make this work and I think if you are working.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
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comprehensive reform: teacher competence by Telma Cerino cold
Week 5. Comprehensive Reform: Skills Activity 5.1
teachers I identify my skills in game
Putting my knowledge, skills and attitudes as a teacher in the classroom and school laboratory of clinical analysis, has allowed me to establish a teaching methodology that I share with students in the specialty of Laboratory technician Clinically, with which I interacts with them from the cognitive, psychomotor and affective, that in order to sensitize them to integrate into a team, they gain this experience to be applied in their workplace, for this is true organizing, structuring, planning, I work environment, I also propose alternative solutions to situations that do not allow me continue with the goals set and evaluated, all this in order that students realize that well, he will so throughout his life and career development, with respect to identifying my skills as a teacher in the reading of educational profile of EMS consider:
In the first competition, which states: organizes periodic training throughout his career, meets the attribute incorporates more knowledge and experience to the body with which account and translated into teaching strategies and learning.
In the second dominates and structures the knowledge to facilitate meaningful learning experiences, the more I identify attribute values \u200b\u200band explains links between knowledge previously acquired by the students who develop in the course and those who make a study plan.
In the third plan the teaching and learning taking the skills approach, and used in curricular and social contexts, broader disciplinary breach any part of the following attributes identify prior knowledge and training needs of students and development strategies build on them, also using appropriate materials in the classroom.
In the fourth leads to the practice of teaching and learning in an effective, creative and innovative in its institutional context attributes that are more practical and relevant literature provides guidance to students in reference to sources for research. And uses information technology and communication with an application and strategic teaching in different learning environments. In the fifth
Evaluate the teaching and learning with a training approach. Attributes that are more practical. Monitors the process of learning and academic development of students. And encourages self-assessment and peer assessment among students to enhance their learning. In the sixth
Build environments for autonomous and collaborative learning. Attributes that are more practical favors among students of self-knowledge and self-assessment. Encourages the use of information technology and communication by students to obtain, process and interpret information and to express ideas.
In the seventh generation contributes to an environment that facilitates the healthy development and integral estudiantes.los more practical attributes that encourages students to express personal opinions in a respectful, and take them into account. And promotes the interest and participation of students with a civic conscience, ethical and ecological life of your school, community, region, Mexico and the world.
In the eighth part in continuous improvement projects of school and supports institutional management. Promotes and collaborates with the educational community participation in social projects. And participate in learning communities to improve their educational practice. I realize that my teaching practice with students and experience it takes is rich with different shades and I would be in continuous training to improve as a person and in my teaching. Activity 5.2
Teaching Skills
learning experience - what it means to be competent?
This corresponds to each person for themselves, to develop attitudes and skills performance and area where you live.
- Is it the same to be competent competitive?
In EMS it is preferable to be competent, and that being competitive is not going to win new generations of young people well prepared to face the development of life in any area that touches develop.
- How to plan and develop a teaching unit or a project based on competencies?
work in EMS educational sequences and / or tutorials that reflects the theme of the course syllabus to be taught to students develops openness, development and closure of each item, and research, there also reflect subjects but justify, propose to solve problems through strategies that allow us to learn and question the decisions and alternatives to continue to give a result for decision making.
Week 5. Comprehensive Reform: Skills Activity 5.1
teachers I identify my skills in game
Putting my knowledge, skills and attitudes as a teacher in the classroom and school laboratory of clinical analysis, has allowed me to establish a teaching methodology that I share with students in the specialty of Laboratory technician Clinically, with which I interacts with them from the cognitive, psychomotor and affective, that in order to sensitize them to integrate into a team, they gain this experience to be applied in their workplace, for this is true organizing, structuring, planning, I work environment, I also propose alternative solutions to situations that do not allow me continue with the goals set and evaluated, all this in order that students realize that well, he will so throughout his life and career development, with respect to identifying my skills as a teacher in the reading of educational profile of EMS consider:
In the first competition, which states: organizes periodic training throughout his career, meets the attribute incorporates more knowledge and experience to the body with which account and translated into teaching strategies and learning.
In the second dominates and structures the knowledge to facilitate meaningful learning experiences, the more I identify attribute values \u200b\u200band explains links between knowledge previously acquired by the students who develop in the course and those who make a study plan.
In the third plan the teaching and learning taking the skills approach, and used in curricular and social contexts, broader disciplinary breach any part of the following attributes identify prior knowledge and training needs of students and development strategies build on them, also using appropriate materials in the classroom.
In the fourth leads to the practice of teaching and learning in an effective, creative and innovative in its institutional context attributes that are more practical and relevant literature provides guidance to students in reference to sources for research. And uses information technology and communication with an application and strategic teaching in different learning environments. In the fifth
Evaluate the teaching and learning with a training approach. Attributes that are more practical. Monitors the process of learning and academic development of students. And encourages self-assessment and peer assessment among students to enhance their learning. In the sixth
Build environments for autonomous and collaborative learning. Attributes that are more practical favors among students of self-knowledge and self-assessment. Encourages the use of information technology and communication by students to obtain, process and interpret information and to express ideas.
In the seventh generation contributes to an environment that facilitates the healthy development and integral estudiantes.los more practical attributes that encourages students to express personal opinions in a respectful, and take them into account. And promotes the interest and participation of students with a civic conscience, ethical and ecological life of your school, community, region, Mexico and the world.
In the eighth part in continuous improvement projects of school and supports institutional management. Promotes and collaborates with the educational community participation in social projects. And participate in learning communities to improve their educational practice. I realize that my teaching practice with students and experience it takes is rich with different shades and I would be in continuous training to improve as a person and in my teaching. Activity 5.2
Teaching Skills
learning experience - what it means to be competent?
This corresponds to each person for themselves, to develop attitudes and skills performance and area where you live.
- Is it the same to be competent competitive?
In EMS it is preferable to be competent, and that being competitive is not going to win new generations of young people well prepared to face the development of life in any area that touches develop.
- How to plan and develop a teaching unit or a project based on competencies?
work in EMS educational sequences and / or tutorials that reflects the theme of the course syllabus to be taught to students develops openness, development and closure of each item, and research, there also reflect subjects but justify, propose to solve problems through strategies that allow us to learn and question the decisions and alternatives to continue to give a result for decision making.
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Eurogames 2008: Well, not everything was bad
There is always something redeemable and there is a positive itch Eurogames recognize that 2008 will bring these unforgettable moments, and you have to claim them. The more pointed in my humble way of thinking was the nice and pleasant and Kyra Sharonna performance at the closing. Too bad it was so short! We could have saved little speech and self-medals we were tiring under that scorching sun. We could also have saved the presenter and other things. Finally, for some other time.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
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Ricardo Ricardo Centeno Centeno
Matrix for consolidating information: generic and teachers
Previously we discussed the generic skills of students where the text citation up the graduates from SNB described mainly knowledge, skills, attitudes and values \u200b\u200bessential in the formation of subjects who are deployed and mobilized from different knowledge, your domain points to a growing range of students both in the field of learning and their individual performance and Social
, also reading the text of The Teacher of SNB profile consists of a set of competencies that make up knowledge, skills and attitudes that the teacher brings into play to create learning environments for students to expand their generic skills. Put another way, these powers made their individual qualities, ethical, academic, professional and social to be met by the teacher.
Philippe Perrenoud. In his review of the 10 competencies was very interesting, textually he handled in a more ethical and aesthetic work of Professor both inside and outside the classroom. Although I must admit that we must raise awareness and prepare us better because I perceive it as a challenge that is not easy but he is right to education is not just the responsibility of one or two people should be added to the parent company not only needs to close the circle completely and involve the environment where the individual develops.
Under this wording, we can mention that both students and teachers must be committed to the institution, and most importantly, the institution must be committed to them and be convinced, and feel part of the project to be developed. And this concept I define it as being competent
With the question being competitive or competent, I should add that being competitive is to compete as in the Olympics where only a few make it, but I understand to be competent is to take a group to success next generation with the teacher is to grow and develop in a field.
How you plan and develop a teaching unit or a project based on competencies?
Initially we must know the name of unity and what is its purpose, and the length that is given to each subject, in the same way to know which is the result of pupil learning content and learning strategies to use and teaching resources, then attached a class plan as part of a unit or project.
Matrix for consolidating information: generic and teachers
Previously we discussed the generic skills of students where the text citation up the graduates from SNB described mainly knowledge, skills, attitudes and values \u200b\u200bessential in the formation of subjects who are deployed and mobilized from different knowledge, your domain points to a growing range of students both in the field of learning and their individual performance and Social
, also reading the text of The Teacher of SNB profile consists of a set of competencies that make up knowledge, skills and attitudes that the teacher brings into play to create learning environments for students to expand their generic skills. Put another way, these powers made their individual qualities, ethical, academic, professional and social to be met by the teacher.
Philippe Perrenoud. In his review of the 10 competencies was very interesting, textually he handled in a more ethical and aesthetic work of Professor both inside and outside the classroom. Although I must admit that we must raise awareness and prepare us better because I perceive it as a challenge that is not easy but he is right to education is not just the responsibility of one or two people should be added to the parent company not only needs to close the circle completely and involve the environment where the individual develops.
Under this wording, we can mention that both students and teachers must be committed to the institution, and most importantly, the institution must be committed to them and be convinced, and feel part of the project to be developed. And this concept I define it as being competent
With the question being competitive or competent, I should add that being competitive is to compete as in the Olympics where only a few make it, but I understand to be competent is to take a group to success next generation with the teacher is to grow and develop in a field.
How you plan and develop a teaching unit or a project based on competencies?
Initially we must know the name of unity and what is its purpose, and the length that is given to each subject, in the same way to know which is the result of pupil learning content and learning strategies to use and teaching resources, then attached a class plan as part of a unit or project.
Friday, September 5, 2008
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We spent a few copies where the points of the reform focused on teachers.
Before proceeding I would like to comment on the CECATIS, which is my case. We belonged originally to basic education, then the gossips say that within the SEP, could not find where to place them and finally put us in Media Education, which I see very accurate according to what I read in reading. We as CECATIS
we are at the level of a Conalep by the characteristics and similarities present, nothing else that we do not carry a full registration, only the modules by specialty. Then once we warn that we are already part of the EMS, we get a trade, which makes us the invitation to the course that I am currently taking and explained that the course is aimed at meeting the educational deficiencies that could have . As an update teaching.
never told us what the reform, only gave us copies which mentions the profile you have to have as teachers.
caught my eye and I decided to take the course, the sad thing is that the entire campus We are just a few of us here, I mention all this because as part of the reform is teacher training., many teachers only received and kept the copies. Other
fear of paying the $ 9000, decided not to take the course.
The initials of our documents are now changed and SEP-SEMS, formerly SEP-SEIT.
Only in this way we have direct access to the information we have to go to work, when just entering a new system.
Imagine, what will happen with people who have not had access to this information currently is the majority.
is a lot of anxiety and fear generated by people who are not prepared. Herein CECATIS of teachers have primary, secondary, finally with an impressive diversity of preparation.
I wonder what will happen to people who have basic training, when making evaluations of profile.
I say that this reform came from the results that have been given to graduating from a career as a basis for senior high and results are given as professional unemployed together with the changes of globalization and lack of competitiveness some graduates.
also adding socio-economic backwardness in the world.
education as the foundation of society, because it will have an impact on a sequential basis, as preparation to reach the labor market.
I feel this good training for teachers, the truth that many of the courses I've taken have not had much practical application in my area.
The changes are urgent, this reform to me I feel it will be a super revolution in the EMS. It is very necessary to unify criteria for employment.
Our schools are already certified, but much remains to be certified as teachers.
The equipment is very important, not me but the rest of the studios are very wrong with obsolete equipment.
have to invest heavily in education, the question is when and how they will make our leaders.
Everything looks great, and hopefully do that training and equipment costs.
And the interesting part is the unification of criteria in terms of plans and programs of study, here is urgent.
Before proceeding I would like to comment on the CECATIS, which is my case. We belonged originally to basic education, then the gossips say that within the SEP, could not find where to place them and finally put us in Media Education, which I see very accurate according to what I read in reading. We as CECATIS
we are at the level of a Conalep by the characteristics and similarities present, nothing else that we do not carry a full registration, only the modules by specialty. Then once we warn that we are already part of the EMS, we get a trade, which makes us the invitation to the course that I am currently taking and explained that the course is aimed at meeting the educational deficiencies that could have . As an update teaching.
never told us what the reform, only gave us copies which mentions the profile you have to have as teachers.
caught my eye and I decided to take the course, the sad thing is that the entire campus We are just a few of us here, I mention all this because as part of the reform is teacher training., many teachers only received and kept the copies. Other
fear of paying the $ 9000, decided not to take the course.
The initials of our documents are now changed and SEP-SEMS, formerly SEP-SEIT.
Only in this way we have direct access to the information we have to go to work, when just entering a new system.
Imagine, what will happen with people who have not had access to this information currently is the majority.
is a lot of anxiety and fear generated by people who are not prepared. Herein CECATIS of teachers have primary, secondary, finally with an impressive diversity of preparation.
I wonder what will happen to people who have basic training, when making evaluations of profile.
I say that this reform came from the results that have been given to graduating from a career as a basis for senior high and results are given as professional unemployed together with the changes of globalization and lack of competitiveness some graduates.
also adding socio-economic backwardness in the world.
education as the foundation of society, because it will have an impact on a sequential basis, as preparation to reach the labor market.
I feel this good training for teachers, the truth that many of the courses I've taken have not had much practical application in my area.
The changes are urgent, this reform to me I feel it will be a super revolution in the EMS. It is very necessary to unify criteria for employment.
Our schools are already certified, but much remains to be certified as teachers.
The equipment is very important, not me but the rest of the studios are very wrong with obsolete equipment.
have to invest heavily in education, the question is when and how they will make our leaders.
Everything looks great, and hopefully do that training and equipment costs.
And the interesting part is the unification of criteria in terms of plans and programs of study, here is urgent.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
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I identify my skills
Abigay Cecena Diaz
Teaching Skills for
Middle school teachers who work in the EMS must meet the profile of teachers with a focus on skills, which permit the graduate profile competency-based EMS.
For this the Reform of the EMS recognizes that strengthening of the educational practice can only occur in an environment that facilitates training and other key stakeholders educational level have also been updated and participate in continuous improvement of schools.
As teachers we must develop the following skills
1 .- Organizes training throughout their careers will enable students to acquire generic skills that express the Exit Profile EMS, which objectives are met fundamental reform, and disciplinary and professional skills. 2 .- Domina
knowledge and structure to facilitate meaningful learning experiences. Let the teacher know
methods and learning strategies to be used by students and combine their knowledge facilitates learning significant in the student making the students think, critique and reflect on solutions to problems related to the real world.
has to do with these skills student profile: Think critically and thoughtfully, develops and proposes innovative solutions to problems based on established methods, follow instructions and procedures in a thoughtful, understanding how each of its steps to help reach a goal . Allowing it to express and communicate properly.
3 .- Plan the teaching and learning competency in response to the approach, and places them in disciplinary contexts, curriculum development and broad social. That information
content programs are well planned and to take into account students' prior learning allows students to develop meaningful learning which you can use throughout their lives.
is related to the following student skills:
is expressed and communicate, think critically and reflectively, learn independently, work collaboratively, sensitive to what happens in their community,
4 .- It puts into practice teaching and learning in an effective, creative and innovative in its institutional context. Waking
student interest to learn independently and use of information technology which facilitated the work research, collaborative work, problem solving, development of interdisciplinary educational projects,
5 .- Evaluate the teaching and learning with a training approach. Perform an ongoing assessment
which allows the student to be watching their progress and where it is necessary to reinforce their learning, allowing you to develop skills in independent and collaborative learning, to think reflectively critique, which rests on the use of ICTs 's to achieve competencies.
6 .- Build environments for autonomous and collaborative learning.
encourage the students self learning and teamwork Learn
independently, learn initiative and self-interest over the life and relates appropriately with peers to work in teams participating and collaborating effectively. Assumes a constructive, consistent with the knowledge and skills with which account within different teams.
7 .- contributes to the generation of an enabling environment for healthy and holistic development of students.
Encouraging students to choose and practice healthy lifestyles, participating in a civic conscience and ethics in the life of their community, region, Mexico and the world, to maintain a respectful attitude towards multiculturalism and diversity of beliefs values, ideas and practices.
8 .- Participate in continuous improvement projects of school and supports institutional management. That teachers participate in mentoring which help guide the student to prevent desertion or disapproval.
is related to the following competences of the graduates: Get involved with responsibility in society, participating with a civic conscience and ethics in the life of their community, region, Mexico and the world, to maintain a respectful attitude towards multiculturalism and diversity of beliefs, values, ideas and social practices that contribute to sustainable development in a critical, responsible actions.
All these skills that the teacher should develop profile are necessary to strengthen the graduate profile based on competencies for work on the same approach will allow achieving the objective pursued comprehensive reform: Giving an identity to the EMS creating the SNB in a common curriculum framework, a graduate profile based on competences.
is logical if the graduate profile is based on competence, the teacher must be competitive to achieve competence in the student readings consider that if ground our teaching practice, from continuous training, mastery of knowledge, planning and practice of teaching and learning, continuous assessment, student motivation, promote teamwork and self-learning, etc. Teachers just need to meet the EMS full profile. Comment
after reading Ten new skills to teach
The reading is based on competencies to be developed by teachers in primary and secondary schools, some of the skills mentioned are similar to those that teachers the EMS must develop as organizing student learning, teamwork, mentoring Working with some of this is student orientation (and inform Involving Parents), using new technologies, organizing their own training.
Teaching Skills for
Middle school teachers who work in the EMS must meet the profile of teachers with a focus on skills, which permit the graduate profile competency-based EMS.
For this the Reform of the EMS recognizes that strengthening of the educational practice can only occur in an environment that facilitates training and other key stakeholders educational level have also been updated and participate in continuous improvement of schools.
As teachers we must develop the following skills
1 .- Organizes training throughout their careers will enable students to acquire generic skills that express the Exit Profile EMS, which objectives are met fundamental reform, and disciplinary and professional skills. 2 .- Domina
knowledge and structure to facilitate meaningful learning experiences. Let the teacher know
methods and learning strategies to be used by students and combine their knowledge facilitates learning significant in the student making the students think, critique and reflect on solutions to problems related to the real world.
has to do with these skills student profile: Think critically and thoughtfully, develops and proposes innovative solutions to problems based on established methods, follow instructions and procedures in a thoughtful, understanding how each of its steps to help reach a goal . Allowing it to express and communicate properly.
3 .- Plan the teaching and learning competency in response to the approach, and places them in disciplinary contexts, curriculum development and broad social. That information
content programs are well planned and to take into account students' prior learning allows students to develop meaningful learning which you can use throughout their lives.
is related to the following student skills:
is expressed and communicate, think critically and reflectively, learn independently, work collaboratively, sensitive to what happens in their community,
4 .- It puts into practice teaching and learning in an effective, creative and innovative in its institutional context. Waking
student interest to learn independently and use of information technology which facilitated the work research, collaborative work, problem solving, development of interdisciplinary educational projects,
5 .- Evaluate the teaching and learning with a training approach. Perform an ongoing assessment
which allows the student to be watching their progress and where it is necessary to reinforce their learning, allowing you to develop skills in independent and collaborative learning, to think reflectively critique, which rests on the use of ICTs 's to achieve competencies.
6 .- Build environments for autonomous and collaborative learning.
encourage the students self learning and teamwork Learn
independently, learn initiative and self-interest over the life and relates appropriately with peers to work in teams participating and collaborating effectively. Assumes a constructive, consistent with the knowledge and skills with which account within different teams.
7 .- contributes to the generation of an enabling environment for healthy and holistic development of students.
Encouraging students to choose and practice healthy lifestyles, participating in a civic conscience and ethics in the life of their community, region, Mexico and the world, to maintain a respectful attitude towards multiculturalism and diversity of beliefs values, ideas and practices.
8 .- Participate in continuous improvement projects of school and supports institutional management. That teachers participate in mentoring which help guide the student to prevent desertion or disapproval.
is related to the following competences of the graduates: Get involved with responsibility in society, participating with a civic conscience and ethics in the life of their community, region, Mexico and the world, to maintain a respectful attitude towards multiculturalism and diversity of beliefs, values, ideas and social practices that contribute to sustainable development in a critical, responsible actions.
All these skills that the teacher should develop profile are necessary to strengthen the graduate profile based on competencies for work on the same approach will allow achieving the objective pursued comprehensive reform: Giving an identity to the EMS creating the SNB in a common curriculum framework, a graduate profile based on competences.
is logical if the graduate profile is based on competence, the teacher must be competitive to achieve competence in the student readings consider that if ground our teaching practice, from continuous training, mastery of knowledge, planning and practice of teaching and learning, continuous assessment, student motivation, promote teamwork and self-learning, etc. Teachers just need to meet the EMS full profile. Comment
after reading Ten new skills to teach
The reading is based on competencies to be developed by teachers in primary and secondary schools, some of the skills mentioned are similar to those that teachers the EMS must develop as organizing student learning, teamwork, mentoring Working with some of this is student orientation (and inform Involving Parents), using new technologies, organizing their own training.
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Competancias Teachers
Centeno Ricardo Carreon
Hello Fellow
express the profile of teachers at the upper secondary education
I totally agree with the text and I mean the recognition of the skills and competencies students own teacher because the teacher is one who is the mediator of the students with their skills and at some point will guide and together reflect on the student's own interests, that is, then we must not forget that every student has different goals and interests, so it is important reflect and work on this aspect.
It should be noted that in systems and subsystems of the EMS to enable the teachers to incorporate within the institution to develop activities and processes not only of students in any field but the continued development of enriching the teaching staff of teachers.
The fact that it is mentioned that teachers are taught courses, is a great support since most teachers are of EMS professionals and not teachers. Community and identity
student comes to mind me a society of students behind a common purpose and goals to identify them, and something very important to note in the text guidance and support from their teachers, always within the context of student-teacher peers
This refers to radical changes within the many schools where the teacher saw us as one who was there. Where are giving your class and go.
By this I mean that includes the RIEMSER change is radical and should sensitize teachers and truly identify with the system and put on the shirt of each of the institutions in which we work.
Centeno Ricardo Carreon
Hello Fellow
express the profile of teachers at the upper secondary education
I totally agree with the text and I mean the recognition of the skills and competencies students own teacher because the teacher is one who is the mediator of the students with their skills and at some point will guide and together reflect on the student's own interests, that is, then we must not forget that every student has different goals and interests, so it is important reflect and work on this aspect.
It should be noted that in systems and subsystems of the EMS to enable the teachers to incorporate within the institution to develop activities and processes not only of students in any field but the continued development of enriching the teaching staff of teachers.
The fact that it is mentioned that teachers are taught courses, is a great support since most teachers are of EMS professionals and not teachers. Community and identity
student comes to mind me a society of students behind a common purpose and goals to identify them, and something very important to note in the text guidance and support from their teachers, always within the context of student-teacher peers
This refers to radical changes within the many schools where the teacher saw us as one who was there. Where are giving your class and go.
By this I mean that includes the RIEMSER change is radical and should sensitize teachers and truly identify with the system and put on the shirt of each of the institutions in which we work.
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my participation. GUADALUPE
reflect and inquire about the processes that a teacher does as far, in this part, if we have to review the processes that so far we are in class, to see if we can improve or change anything, update the methods by we teach.
self-assessment and evaluation, will help us to know what knowledge we need, gaps, or simply training needs we have, based on that address these points of failure, to move forward.
Learn from the experiences of other teachers, circling experiences and learn from more experienced colleagues, or just learn something that we can serve.
In my case, information technologies, as equipment be updated with cutting edge programs to keep pace with the programs being used today.
As my area is computer, most programs have messages in English, and it is very important to know and understand what the computer is telling us, in my area if necessary.
All topics and subtopics which are given during the course, must be well structured, logical coherence and learning process, planning the content of each of the sessions, practices, activities, exercise etc. according to our plan of training and teaching guide. Each session should be given prior knowledge of the subject to be seen, then continue with the process of practice and give the necessary follow up to our finished product.
Teamwork is very important, involving the training and the instructor to give up that product. Following the procedures which marks the NTCL (Labour Competency Technical Standards). Using
appropriate literature for consultation of some issues, another instrument that is counted in computing, the Internet is very supportive of us there to complete the points or topics covered in class.
is evaluated both the process and the finished product of practice.
The training also evaluates himself, reviewing and correcting errors, making new contributions.
collect proposals and new knowledge that students bring their final product.
A if, as different paths through which they could have solved the problem otherwise. Students in
CECATIS have internal regulations, a Code of Conduct, and rules of operation which lead to their peers and in general.
It encourages participation and respect among all partners. A method
within CECATIS, than the didactic prototypes, in which teachers and students involved in each area, to make a project and this project is subject to competition.
In computing, which is the area where the packages I have the tools to work here involves the student to develop projects, both research and development.
Like any project, you need a structure and design, this latest decision variables need to start the project. Teamwork
occur in pairs, the situation of the machines (two people per team).
In my case, I have not worked with people with special abilities, for these cases need special training, if I took a course, but these cases require dedicated equipment and preparation. There is a school where you have the necessary equipment and is called the "class poet", but not all schools have it.
specialist teachers should be allocated for these cases, and obviously with great dedication to service.
active student participation is very important this is to learn to the extent they wish to do so, one as a teacher with the tools and the push for students to learn, and classrooms will be one who wants to get their later knowledge, that no no. The student when you have concerns about the teacher if any problems, in my case listen to them, resolve their doubts and concerns, and continue the class.
In part to involve parents, in my case is difficult, because I trained many adults and older adults. Most of my students work and attend classes in their schedule and go. His times are very short, to engage them during out of school. Questionnaire
my participation. GUADALUPE
reflect and inquire about the processes that a teacher does as far, in this part, if we have to review the processes that so far we are in class, to see if we can improve or change anything, update the methods by we teach.
self-assessment and evaluation, will help us to know what knowledge we need, gaps, or simply training needs we have, based on that address these points of failure, to move forward.
Learn from the experiences of other teachers, circling experiences and learn from more experienced colleagues, or just learn something that we can serve.
In my case, information technologies, as equipment be updated with cutting edge programs to keep pace with the programs being used today.
As my area is computer, most programs have messages in English, and it is very important to know and understand what the computer is telling us, in my area if necessary.
All topics and subtopics which are given during the course, must be well structured, logical coherence and learning process, planning the content of each of the sessions, practices, activities, exercise etc. according to our plan of training and teaching guide. Each session should be given prior knowledge of the subject to be seen, then continue with the process of practice and give the necessary follow up to our finished product.
Teamwork is very important, involving the training and the instructor to give up that product. Following the procedures which marks the NTCL (Labour Competency Technical Standards). Using
appropriate literature for consultation of some issues, another instrument that is counted in computing, the Internet is very supportive of us there to complete the points or topics covered in class.
is evaluated both the process and the finished product of practice.
The training also evaluates himself, reviewing and correcting errors, making new contributions.
collect proposals and new knowledge that students bring their final product.
A if, as different paths through which they could have solved the problem otherwise. Students in
CECATIS have internal regulations, a Code of Conduct, and rules of operation which lead to their peers and in general.
It encourages participation and respect among all partners. A method
within CECATIS, than the didactic prototypes, in which teachers and students involved in each area, to make a project and this project is subject to competition.
In computing, which is the area where the packages I have the tools to work here involves the student to develop projects, both research and development.
Like any project, you need a structure and design, this latest decision variables need to start the project. Teamwork
occur in pairs, the situation of the machines (two people per team).
In my case, I have not worked with people with special abilities, for these cases need special training, if I took a course, but these cases require dedicated equipment and preparation. There is a school where you have the necessary equipment and is called the "class poet", but not all schools have it.
specialist teachers should be allocated for these cases, and obviously with great dedication to service.
active student participation is very important this is to learn to the extent they wish to do so, one as a teacher with the tools and the push for students to learn, and classrooms will be one who wants to get their later knowledge, that no no. The student when you have concerns about the teacher if any problems, in my case listen to them, resolve their doubts and concerns, and continue the class.
In part to involve parents, in my case is difficult, because I trained many adults and older adults. Most of my students work and attend classes in their schedule and go. His times are very short, to engage them during out of school. Questionnaire
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GUADALUPE SURVEY WEEK 4 CELEDON OSORIO "generic and Outcome Profile"
week 4.
1 .- The characteristics and domains that have a job to be submitted by an individual.
These features and domains are evaluated to determine if the individual is qualified for the job.
are maximum standards and minima that occur in a finished product.
everyday actions that an individual has in their daily work, which identifies and is clearly intended to keep looking for these actions establish the required minimum.
The competency-based approach, is based on a constructivist view that recognizes learning as a process that is built on an individual basis where new knowledge make sense to prior knowledge structuring.
3 .- self determined and takes care of
1 .- It is known and Likewise values \u200b\u200band addresses problems and challenges taking into account the objectives pursued.
2 .- It is sensitive to art and participates in the assessment and interpretation of their expressions in various genres.
3 .- Select and practice healthy lifestyles.
is expressed and communicated
4 .- Listen, interprets and delivers relevant messages in different contexts through the use of media, appropriate codes and tools.
think critically and reflectively and
5 .- Develop innovations and proposes solutions to problems based on established methods. 6 .-
sustains a personal position on issues of interest and relevance considering other points of view critically and reflectively Learn independently
7 .- Learn initiative and self-interest over the life. Work collaboratively
8 .- Participates and collaborates effectively in diverse teams.
Participate responsibly in society.
9 .- Participate with a civic conscience and ethics in the life of their community, region, Mexico and the world.
10 .- Maintain a respectful attitude towards multiculturalism and diversity of beliefs, values, ideas and social practices.
11 .- contributes to sustainable development in a critical, responsible actions
4 .- The plans and programs of study should according to a Labour Competency Technical Standards.
useful so that the students acquire the knowledge standard, so that when working to acquire mastery of these skills together with practical work for society.
A Technical Standard Labor competition is made up of units of competency.
The rule would be the course being taught.
unit labor competition would be the sub module of learning.
The element of competition would be the subject of learning. Each practice represents an element.
The performance criterion would be the sub-learning, which includes theoretical and practical information. This is assessed by the level of competition.
The Students must build their portfolio of evidence that contains all the elements to see who understood, who applied and met all the items asked in the standard.
5 .- The student will be training with the requirements of enterprises.
When the student goes to work, if a study based on technical competency standards, and has standards and specific characteristics of the function performed. And it takes specific training. FIND
6 .- When working with NTCL:
There is opportunity for certification.
forms assessment is accurate.
are assessed attitudes, knowledge and skills
are plans and programs conform to the requirements of enterprises.
You can talk about school quality standards.
step is the international certification of the student. Here
as specified, if the student is competent or not, that is if you know perform a specific function or not.
The student is trained with this based on business requirements.
The student is constantly updated.
finished product is assessed, with evidence of the product.
procedure is evaluated as evidence by performance, with an observation guide.
is evaluated what students do dare sebe product is taken as evidence for knowledge.
It facilitates the transition between schools (depending on the subsystem, provided they are compatible)
With this model of competence and there is no rigidity in the plans and programs of study. NTCL
With the school teams must be current. There is a link
With the reform, the competence approach considers the most important is the use made of these powers in specific situations of personal, social and professional.
plans and programs of study adopted the approach of competence.
For the competence approach to constructivism, More importantly the quality of the learning process that the quantities stored data.
1 .- The characteristics and domains that have a job to be submitted by an individual.
These features and domains are evaluated to determine if the individual is qualified for the job.
are maximum standards and minima that occur in a finished product.
everyday actions that an individual has in their daily work, which identifies and is clearly intended to keep looking for these actions establish the required minimum.
The competency-based approach, is based on a constructivist view that recognizes learning as a process that is built on an individual basis where new knowledge make sense to prior knowledge structuring.
3 .- self determined and takes care of
1 .- It is known and Likewise values \u200b\u200band addresses problems and challenges taking into account the objectives pursued.
2 .- It is sensitive to art and participates in the assessment and interpretation of their expressions in various genres.
3 .- Select and practice healthy lifestyles.
is expressed and communicated
4 .- Listen, interprets and delivers relevant messages in different contexts through the use of media, appropriate codes and tools.
think critically and reflectively and
5 .- Develop innovations and proposes solutions to problems based on established methods. 6 .-
sustains a personal position on issues of interest and relevance considering other points of view critically and reflectively Learn independently
7 .- Learn initiative and self-interest over the life. Work collaboratively
8 .- Participates and collaborates effectively in diverse teams.
Participate responsibly in society.
9 .- Participate with a civic conscience and ethics in the life of their community, region, Mexico and the world.
10 .- Maintain a respectful attitude towards multiculturalism and diversity of beliefs, values, ideas and social practices.
11 .- contributes to sustainable development in a critical, responsible actions
4 .- The plans and programs of study should according to a Labour Competency Technical Standards.
useful so that the students acquire the knowledge standard, so that when working to acquire mastery of these skills together with practical work for society.
A Technical Standard Labor competition is made up of units of competency.
The rule would be the course being taught.
unit labor competition would be the sub module of learning.
The element of competition would be the subject of learning. Each practice represents an element.
The performance criterion would be the sub-learning, which includes theoretical and practical information. This is assessed by the level of competition.
The Students must build their portfolio of evidence that contains all the elements to see who understood, who applied and met all the items asked in the standard.
5 .- The student will be training with the requirements of enterprises.
When the student goes to work, if a study based on technical competency standards, and has standards and specific characteristics of the function performed. And it takes specific training. FIND
6 .- When working with NTCL:
There is opportunity for certification.
forms assessment is accurate.
are assessed attitudes, knowledge and skills
are plans and programs conform to the requirements of enterprises.
You can talk about school quality standards.
step is the international certification of the student. Here
as specified, if the student is competent or not, that is if you know perform a specific function or not.
The student is trained with this based on business requirements.
The student is constantly updated.
finished product is assessed, with evidence of the product.
procedure is evaluated as evidence by performance, with an observation guide.
is evaluated what students do dare sebe product is taken as evidence for knowledge.
It facilitates the transition between schools (depending on the subsystem, provided they are compatible)
With this model of competence and there is no rigidity in the plans and programs of study. NTCL
With the school teams must be current. There is a link
With the reform, the competence approach considers the most important is the use made of these powers in specific situations of personal, social and professional.
plans and programs of study adopted the approach of competence.
For the competence approach to constructivism, More importantly the quality of the learning process that the quantities stored data.
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model with which we form when we study the high school level educational ideal
prepare students for admission to the University System of Embedded System Preparatory
active Exhibitor
STUDENT PAPER passive receiver
Tasks, Notes, Practices, Reading, CONTENT
Visits to museums
Master-exhibitor Student-receptor
Reading Practice Quizzes
Subsystem in which we work: Bachelor of Technology, College of Bachelors, CONALEP, UNAM, IPN
Based Education Competency Standards Education and certification, whose central purpose is to train individuals with knowledge, skills and attitudes relevant and pertinent to the changing needs of job performance and the ability to certify their skills before a certifying body. ROLE OF THE TEACHER
Facilitator of knowledge, his sense is to achieve los aprendizajes pertinentes que cobren significado real en la vida de los estudiantes.
Capacitando activo, con objetivos basados en competencias laborales.
Procedimiento de la practica, armar el portafolio de evidencias. Ofrecer servicios innovadores, pertinentes, flexibles y modulares que permitan el desarrollo y condiciones de vida de adultos y jóvenes
Norma Técnica de Competencia Laboral, Plan de Capacitación, Guía Pedagógica, Guía de aprendizaje. Contenidos pertinentes , flexibles en métodos y tiempos de aprendizaje, con un sistema basado en evidencias, así como la actualización de los docentes
Develop individual qualities together ethical, academic, professional and social. FORMS OF EVALUATION
• List of matching Observation
· Guide
• Assessment Questionnaire diagnosed
Comprehensive Reform
Curriculum Framework Creating a community through professional disciplinary generic skills
ROLE OF TEACHER Facilitator knowledge, using the search constructivist approach. The sense of knowledge to achieve the relevant learning covering real meaning in life students.
Create learning environments and educational situations appropriate to the competence approach. STUDENT PAPER
Build your knowledge.
develop the qualities, ethical, academic, professional and social. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES
develop research, teamwork, problem solving, educational projects. CONTENTS
The offer specific educational institutions to respond to student demand
Develop individual qualities together ethical, academic, professional and social. FORMS OF EVALUATION
Assessment generic skills, discipline and professional
model with which we form when we study the high school level educational ideal
prepare students for admission to the University System of Embedded System Preparatory
active Exhibitor
STUDENT PAPER passive receiver
Tasks, Notes, Practices, Reading, CONTENT
Visits to museums
Master-exhibitor Student-receptor
Reading Practice Quizzes
Subsystem in which we work: Bachelor of Technology, College of Bachelors, CONALEP, UNAM, IPN
Based Education Competency Standards Education and certification, whose central purpose is to train individuals with knowledge, skills and attitudes relevant and pertinent to the changing needs of job performance and the ability to certify their skills before a certifying body. ROLE OF THE TEACHER
Facilitator of knowledge, his sense is to achieve los aprendizajes pertinentes que cobren significado real en la vida de los estudiantes.
Capacitando activo, con objetivos basados en competencias laborales.
Procedimiento de la practica, armar el portafolio de evidencias. Ofrecer servicios innovadores, pertinentes, flexibles y modulares que permitan el desarrollo y condiciones de vida de adultos y jóvenes
Norma Técnica de Competencia Laboral, Plan de Capacitación, Guía Pedagógica, Guía de aprendizaje. Contenidos pertinentes , flexibles en métodos y tiempos de aprendizaje, con un sistema basado en evidencias, así como la actualización de los docentes
Develop individual qualities together ethical, academic, professional and social. FORMS OF EVALUATION
• List of matching Observation
· Guide
• Assessment Questionnaire diagnosed
Comprehensive Reform
Curriculum Framework Creating a community through professional disciplinary generic skills
ROLE OF TEACHER Facilitator knowledge, using the search constructivist approach. The sense of knowledge to achieve the relevant learning covering real meaning in life students.
Create learning environments and educational situations appropriate to the competence approach. STUDENT PAPER
Build your knowledge.
develop the qualities, ethical, academic, professional and social. METHODS AND TECHNIQUES
develop research, teamwork, problem solving, educational projects. CONTENTS
The offer specific educational institutions to respond to student demand
Develop individual qualities together ethical, academic, professional and social. FORMS OF EVALUATION
Assessment generic skills, discipline and professional
Monday, September 1, 2008
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Fabian Cazares
Ten new competences to teach.
Perrenoud, PH
Barcelona, \u200b\u200bGraó. 2004.
Elvia Rosa Castro Valenzuela
Ten new competences to teach.
Perrenoud, PH
Barcelona, \u200b\u200bGraó. 2004.
Ten to teach new skills appear structured in two levels. The first level is constituted by what he called reference skills. Fields or domains that are considered priority on continuous training of primary teachers. These competencies refer
wing organization over the expected learning situations in classrooms or information and how to manage these learning styles.
Another generic skills is to involve students in learning, collaborative work and develop differentiated devices. Something very important
mention about skills, is the intervention that should be in the affairs of the institution and ongoing information to parents and the use of new technologies, Face the duties and ethical dilemmas of the profession and organize their own training.
The second level of structure of this work is provided by the inventory and explanation of forty-four specific skills;
wing organization over the expected learning situations in classrooms or information and how to manage these learning styles.
Another generic skills is to involve students in learning, collaborative work and develop differentiated devices. Something very important
mention about skills, is the intervention that should be in the affairs of the institution and ongoing information to parents and the use of new technologies, Face the duties and ethical dilemmas of the profession and organize their own training.
The second level of structure of this work is provided by the inventory and explanation of forty-four specific skills;
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1.-Explain your words, it is the skills and understand by that term.
believe that skills are a set of abilities to successfully perform an activity as requested by production standards.
And I understand that the term responsible is someone who knows how to do what is asked, with a high performance, which to be competent requires a combination of skills, abilities and interests to achieve the objective.
2.-After reading the document "sense of the word COMPETITION" Would you change your definition?. Is that aspect would.
I think after having read the document add the definition, because quite rightly identifies all areas of human beings and the importance of addressing them to achieve greater efficiency in their development.
well as active and conscious participation of the student to obtain them by building their own learning, making it more meaningful. 3.-Type
eleven competencies generic is defined in the Common Curriculum Framework
1 .- know and value themselves and addresses problems and challenges, taking into account the objectives pursued.
2 .- It is sensitive to art and participates in the assessment and interpretation of their expressions in various genres.
3 .- Select and practice healthy lifestyles.
4 .- Listen, interprets and delivers relevant messages in different contexts, using media in different contexts through the use of media, codes and tools.
5 .- Develop innovations and proposes solutions to problems, based on established methods. 6 .-
sustains a personal position on issues of interest and relevance, considering other points of view critically and reflectively. 7 .- Learn
initiative and self-interest over the life.
8 .- Participates and collaborates effectively in diverse teams.
9 .- Participate with a civic conscience and ethics in the life of their community, region, country and world.
10 .- Maintain a respectful attitude towards multiculturalism and diversity of beliefs, values, ideas and practices.
11 .- contributes to sustainable development in a critical, responsible actions.
4 .- How do you think I should be and that serves a competency-based training?
I think there should be an education based on development the whole person, with great respect, very motivated to get the student interested in learning and knowledge considered important to be taught, in addition to always find a practical way of implementing it in their lives, their environment, troubleshooting, always revealed the importance of their efforts to learn, they also found a connection between the school and its environment. To assist it in facing all challenges.
5 .- What does this approach to student life perspective?
security is going to be able to resolve all the challenges that life will also present to take responsibility for itself, financially and for their own training permanent, since the focus of competition pushes you to stay current in the branch that is dedicated. 6 .- Do you find differences in educational approach previous and current? What makes up?
Yes there are differences in the previous model and the current proposed since the first was a passive student participation, just as a receiver of information, memorizing, not being the main actor of the learning process. In the present is fully active, involved, proposed acts, decides, practice.
now intended to be a subject in which they can develop skills, abilities, values, and meeting the production needs of their environment, he was sowing the idea to stay current in their power to stay ahead and not left behind technological advances.
1.-Explain your words, it is the skills and understand by that term.
believe that skills are a set of abilities to successfully perform an activity as requested by production standards.
And I understand that the term responsible is someone who knows how to do what is asked, with a high performance, which to be competent requires a combination of skills, abilities and interests to achieve the objective.
2.-After reading the document "sense of the word COMPETITION" Would you change your definition?. Is that aspect would.
I think after having read the document add the definition, because quite rightly identifies all areas of human beings and the importance of addressing them to achieve greater efficiency in their development.
well as active and conscious participation of the student to obtain them by building their own learning, making it more meaningful. 3.-Type
eleven competencies generic is defined in the Common Curriculum Framework
1 .- know and value themselves and addresses problems and challenges, taking into account the objectives pursued.
2 .- It is sensitive to art and participates in the assessment and interpretation of their expressions in various genres.
3 .- Select and practice healthy lifestyles.
4 .- Listen, interprets and delivers relevant messages in different contexts, using media in different contexts through the use of media, codes and tools.
5 .- Develop innovations and proposes solutions to problems, based on established methods. 6 .-
sustains a personal position on issues of interest and relevance, considering other points of view critically and reflectively. 7 .- Learn
initiative and self-interest over the life.
8 .- Participates and collaborates effectively in diverse teams.
9 .- Participate with a civic conscience and ethics in the life of their community, region, country and world.
10 .- Maintain a respectful attitude towards multiculturalism and diversity of beliefs, values, ideas and practices.
11 .- contributes to sustainable development in a critical, responsible actions.
4 .- How do you think I should be and that serves a competency-based training?
I think there should be an education based on development the whole person, with great respect, very motivated to get the student interested in learning and knowledge considered important to be taught, in addition to always find a practical way of implementing it in their lives, their environment, troubleshooting, always revealed the importance of their efforts to learn, they also found a connection between the school and its environment. To assist it in facing all challenges.
5 .- What does this approach to student life perspective?
security is going to be able to resolve all the challenges that life will also present to take responsibility for itself, financially and for their own training permanent, since the focus of competition pushes you to stay current in the branch that is dedicated. 6 .- Do you find differences in educational approach previous and current? What makes up?
Yes there are differences in the previous model and the current proposed since the first was a passive student participation, just as a receiver of information, memorizing, not being the main actor of the learning process. In the present is fully active, involved, proposed acts, decides, practice.
now intended to be a subject in which they can develop skills, abilities, values, and meeting the production needs of their environment, he was sowing the idea to stay current in their power to stay ahead and not left behind technological advances.
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Comprehensive Reform School Education FABIAN PARTICIPATION
Comprehensive Reform School Education
What is the main parcel of Higher Secondary Education in the current social and productive?
contribute, based on the requirements of the knowledge society and sustainable development, comprehensive training to young people to expand their creative participation in the economy and social development of the country by carrying out a productive activity and full realization of the social role that involves the majority. Achieve greater coverage of the population, mediantela educational modalities operation and use of information technology and communication, skills certification and recognition of learning achieved throughout life, as well as operation and support mechanisms that seek equity in opportunities for access, retention and educational achievement of all students who attend high school education technology. It seeks to assist in the care of promoting educational backwardness income or return of a greater number of people at this level.
What are the principles underlying the proposal education? By
offer flexibility and quality of services become conditions for greater social justice.
Through greater openness to meet different needs and to capitalize on both the resources available outside of school as learning that occurs in other areas.
access to education, the flexibility of supply and quality of services become conditions for greater social justice.
What are the mechanisms of management reform?
promotes, strengthens and spreads the identity of technology education than average. Make
planning and evaluation participatory manner.
is carried out with a vision of quality and excellence.
Develops and leverages its human capital.
includes a strategy for training and professional development of staff and managers. Are made from the powers to achieve.
It is based on national information systems, coordination and educational evaluation
Comprehensive Reform School Education
What is the main parcel of Higher Secondary Education in the current social and productive?
contribute, based on the requirements of the knowledge society and sustainable development, comprehensive training to young people to expand their creative participation in the economy and social development of the country by carrying out a productive activity and full realization of the social role that involves the majority. Achieve greater coverage of the population, mediantela educational modalities operation and use of information technology and communication, skills certification and recognition of learning achieved throughout life, as well as operation and support mechanisms that seek equity in opportunities for access, retention and educational achievement of all students who attend high school education technology. It seeks to assist in the care of promoting educational backwardness income or return of a greater number of people at this level.
What are the principles underlying the proposal education? By
offer flexibility and quality of services become conditions for greater social justice.
Through greater openness to meet different needs and to capitalize on both the resources available outside of school as learning that occurs in other areas.
access to education, the flexibility of supply and quality of services become conditions for greater social justice.
What are the mechanisms of management reform?
promotes, strengthens and spreads the identity of technology education than average. Make
planning and evaluation participatory manner.
is carried out with a vision of quality and excellence.
Develops and leverages its human capital.
includes a strategy for training and professional development of staff and managers. Are made from the powers to achieve.
It is based on national information systems, coordination and educational evaluation
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