comprehensive reform: teacher competence by Telma Cerino cold
Week 5. Comprehensive Reform: Skills Activity 5.1
teachers I identify my skills in game
Putting my knowledge, skills and attitudes as a teacher in the classroom and school laboratory of clinical analysis, has allowed me to establish a teaching methodology that I share with students in the specialty of Laboratory technician Clinically, with which I interacts with them from the cognitive, psychomotor and affective, that in order to sensitize them to integrate into a team, they gain this experience to be applied in their workplace, for this is true organizing, structuring, planning, I work environment, I also propose alternative solutions to situations that do not allow me continue with the goals set and evaluated, all this in order that students realize that well, he will so throughout his life and career development, with respect to identifying my skills as a teacher in the reading of educational profile of EMS consider:
In the first competition, which states: organizes periodic training throughout his career, meets the attribute incorporates more knowledge and experience to the body with which account and translated into teaching strategies and learning.
In the second dominates and structures the knowledge to facilitate meaningful learning experiences, the more I identify attribute values \u200b\u200band explains links between knowledge previously acquired by the students who develop in the course and those who make a study plan.
In the third plan the teaching and learning taking the skills approach, and used in curricular and social contexts, broader disciplinary breach any part of the following attributes identify prior knowledge and training needs of students and development strategies build on them, also using appropriate materials in the classroom.
In the fourth leads to the practice of teaching and learning in an effective, creative and innovative in its institutional context attributes that are more practical and relevant literature provides guidance to students in reference to sources for research. And uses information technology and communication with an application and strategic teaching in different learning environments. In the fifth
Evaluate the teaching and learning with a training approach. Attributes that are more practical. Monitors the process of learning and academic development of students. And encourages self-assessment and peer assessment among students to enhance their learning. In the sixth
Build environments for autonomous and collaborative learning. Attributes that are more practical favors among students of self-knowledge and self-assessment. Encourages the use of information technology and communication by students to obtain, process and interpret information and to express ideas.
In the seventh generation contributes to an environment that facilitates the healthy development and integral estudiantes.los more practical attributes that encourages students to express personal opinions in a respectful, and take them into account. And promotes the interest and participation of students with a civic conscience, ethical and ecological life of your school, community, region, Mexico and the world.
In the eighth part in continuous improvement projects of school and supports institutional management. Promotes and collaborates with the educational community participation in social projects. And participate in learning communities to improve their educational practice. I realize that my teaching practice with students and experience it takes is rich with different shades and I would be in continuous training to improve as a person and in my teaching. Activity 5.2
Teaching Skills
learning experience - what it means to be competent?
This corresponds to each person for themselves, to develop attitudes and skills performance and area where you live.
- Is it the same to be competent competitive?
In EMS it is preferable to be competent, and that being competitive is not going to win new generations of young people well prepared to face the development of life in any area that touches develop.
- How to plan and develop a teaching unit or a project based on competencies?
work in EMS educational sequences and / or tutorials that reflects the theme of the course syllabus to be taught to students develops openness, development and closure of each item, and research, there also reflect subjects but justify, propose to solve problems through strategies that allow us to learn and question the decisions and alternatives to continue to give a result for decision making.
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