Good afternoon fellow, sent back my participation in the Week 3
Why should changes be made. Comprehensive Reform. GUADALUPE
1 .- What is the main parcel of Higher Secondary Education in the current social and productive. 2 .-
that principles underlying the educational proposal
3 .- What are the mechanisms of management reform. OPINION
1 .- What is the main parcel of Higher Secondary Education in the current social and productive.
Find the common goals of the subsystems to enhance their blogs.
is recognized as an area for training people whose knowledge and skills should enable them to develop in a satisfactory manner, either in college or work and more generally in life.
In the social context of her graduate-aged individuals to exercise their rights and obligations as citizens and as such must meet in addition to knowledge and skills that define their personal development, a set of attitudes and values \u200b\u200bthat have positive impact in your community and the country as a whole. Hubs
1 .- Construction of a common curriculum framework based on competencies, present and future needs.
2 .- Define the operating characteristics
3 .- Mechanisms management reform to strengthen the academic performance of students and improve the quality of institutions, to meet minimum standards and follow shared processes.
4 .- Recognition of studies, shared goals between institutions of the EMS, and Certification Challenges
to find identity in the EMS
• Expanded coverage
• Improving the quality
• Search
equity Extension
coverage most remarkable growth of the education system in the coming years will be in the EMS.
Mexico provides less progress in coverage.
Mexico has an EMS in expansion which Mexico should prepare a larger number of young people.
promote staying in school.
The goal is that students receive education should contribute to growth as individuals dare the development of skills and attitudes that enable them to function adequately as members of society. Quality
• Stay in school
• Achieve a solid ethical education, and civic, the domain of knowledge, skills and abilities
Learning occurs in a meaningful context for young people, this raises the coverage and retention the EMS.
transformations and mechanisms for generation and exchange information to these changes, you agree to the education system to adopt strategies to meet the task of forming people ready to face the challenges ahead.
circumstances of today.
that young people are thoughtful, with personal opinions, to make exchange of contexts, which are positive.
Quality EMS education
• Quality • Facilities upgraded facilities
• Teaching
• With the right profile to the EMS
powers supply quality
• Career Counseling • Tutorials
• Assessment of learning
Equity Education has been one of the most effective way to achieve social mobility.
The school must play a role in equalizing opportunities, this is achieved if the education provision responds to the challenges presented with the groups in greatest need.
Low quality and relevance of education is an issue of utmost importance that must be addressed to increase coverage in the EMS.
We need to strengthen the coverage, equity and quality in the EMS, so it makes sense to study it.
Obstacles to increase coverage, improve quality and seek fairness. Stiffness
programs. Lack of equivalence
between plans and subsystems. Current
structure. Plans
junior varsity or terminal nature of incorporation for the job.
That there is a structure characteristic of the EMS curriculum that allows and encourages diversity while recognizing that all institutions of this level are part of the same subsystem.
2 .- that the proposal is based early education curriculum
The proposal aims at the creation of a National High School in a context of diversity.
This system aims at strengthening the identity of a medium term horizon, which offers relevant options and relevant to students with modern methods and resources for learning and assessment mechanisms that contribute to educational quality within a framework of curriculum integration to maximize the benefits of diversity.
This suggests three basic principles that should be on the basis of global consensus.
• universal recognition of all types and sub-baccalaureate.
• Relevance and relevance of curricula
• Traffic between subsystems and schools
universal recognition of all types and sub-baccalaureate.
The EMS should ensure that adolescents acquire certain common skills for a productive life and ethics.
Students who graduate from the EMS should receive a matriculation certificate. Additionally, institutions may issue partial certifications by type of study, such as those that apply for receiving information for the job.
All options of the EMS would continue to work according to its objectives and shall meet certain minimum standards.
should also sought an agreement that higher education institutions and employers recognize the high school certificate as proof that they have acquired the skills and knowledge set. Thus students may be accepted in higher education or the labor market.
relevance and significance curricula.
Curricula should address the need for personal relevance, social and work in the context of current world circumstances.
The curriculum must respond to the sociocultural and economic conditions of each region. Traffic between subsystems
that young people can bring the grades reached one school to another, and implies that partial records or certificates of study are recognized in the new schools target young people.
One of the advantages of creating a National High School Diversity is a framework that enables the portability of the studies, while preserving the identity institutions.
3 .- What are the mechanisms of management reform.
Common curriculum framework.
MCC responds to the imperative need of secondary education as the link between basic education and higher education.
reform can speak of a single school, hence its universal connotation.
MCC covers generic skills and basic discipline.
The extended skills to provide graduates with a technical qualification that may eventually become certified.
Regardless of the institution in which students study, share basic training is very important.
proposed reform allows an important adaptation to different needs, so that regional and national relevance of the curriculum becomes a reality as possible.
The MCC is intended to reflect on the meaning of knowledge to make learning relevant charged meaning in real life of students.
Generate a scientific culture and humanistic sense and articulate the different knowledge that is constructed and transformed in each of the disciplines. Institutions should note
competencies that make up the MCC with its plans and programs of study, accurately correlating each of the skills each one of its educational content.
A single competency can be developed and applied in different contexts, responding to diverse demands of reality.
One of the main challenges of the reform is one academic leadership and teaching staff with appropriate training and sufficient time great disposition to work collectively on projects relevant school.
Each teacher must carry out the work plan ensuring a design that allows the relationship between pedagogical models, didactic and technological appropriate skills training, for which the teacher will require information, pedagogical and technological support.
skills approach is based on a constructivist view that recognizes learning as a process that is built on an individual basis, where new knowledge make sense to pre-structuring and social interaction.
The teacher will encourage the creation of learning environments and educational situations appropriate to focus on skills, fostering research, collaborative work, problem solving, development of interdisciplinary education projects.
Students can build their school careers in the context of the MCC, the curriculum will be flexible and dynamic. The sequences of subjects should be governed at least possible.
graduates of institutions are very different profiles.
A direct benefit of the MCC, is to facilitate the creation of mechanisms to move between different schools and subsystems, which is a major advantage for students who are less likely to abandon their studies.
were implemented different types of school in order to ensure that all stakeholders in the EMS share the same identity.
direct certification means that if the graduate meets certain requirements presents a review and if approved will be granted or bachelor's degree.
reform to create the National High School is based on the creation and adoption of the MCC by of the various subsystems and modes of EMS.
The measures referred to are aimed at schools in EMS, but especially the most backward to reach the minimum standards to be established. This strengthens the support for the instruments that give the various institutions have equal recognition.
The construction of the entrance exam to the EMS to be applied in some subsystems and regions based on competencies.
needs to strengthen the quality of education.
• Integration of students to the new school environment, and remedial courses are required.
• Monitoring and support individual and group of students on with learning and academic work.
• Psychological and educational support to address specific problems through individual attention and / or group.
• Counselling, as appropriate, to choose more accurately the professional or academic options.
teachers will be required, in addition to mastering their subject, have the professional skills required competencies approach.
Teachers play a different role than traditional dictation to teach, to become facilitators of the learning processes of students.
In the design of participatory classes will foster collaborative learning, problem solving and work on projects. They must be capable of integrating generic skills in each of their areas of instruction.
The student assessment than tests will be done with other modalities such as portfolios of evidence, the rubrics and the full range of methodologies for assessing competence.
In terms of facilities and equipment.
Schools must have decent libraries, with computers to learn the use of information technologies and communications and benefit from education, and adequately equipped laboratories and workshops.
MCC which is based academic the National High School must be accompanied guidelines for school administration with transparent and uniform rules in all forms and subsystems.
There need to be minimum standards of operation relating to the rights and obligations of students, contributing to the retention of students in the educational system, providing paperwork, trajectories and changes in schools. SNB
assessment must be comprehensive to include all the components of educational assessment: resources, processes and outcomes.
One of the main objectives of the assessment should be to review the conditions exist that would satisfy the basic principles that are sought.
If a school is of poor quality is expected that students do not meet the competencies that will define the SNB, so that the title to obtain not have the same validity in the eyes of society than graduates of other schools.
learning assessment in systematic dimension will identify the strengths and weaknesses in the SNB.
test for the school bond that will be the first indicators of academic achievement to determine the performance of students by subsystem.
In the case of learning assessments made by teachers, it is necessary to do so from a perspective of competence.
The program evaluation will be through the review plans and programs of study in light of generic skills, discipline and professional defined.
institutions must certify that their educational programs incorporate the skills in those terms.
addition, we must take into account the actions taken to control contextual variables related to academic success or failure, whether family and social.
Teacher Evaluation should strengthen the autonomy of institutions and collegiate structures of each school in the staff appraisal process. Balbina
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