Monday, September 1, 2008

Pokemon Soul Silver Walkthrough Walls Japanese


1.-Explain your words, it is the skills and understand by that term.
believe that skills are a set of abilities to successfully perform an activity as requested by production standards.
And I understand that the term responsible is someone who knows how to do what is asked, with a high performance, which to be competent requires a combination of skills, abilities and interests to achieve the objective.
2.-After reading the document "sense of the word COMPETITION" Would you change your definition?. Is that aspect would.
I think after having read the document add the definition, because quite rightly identifies all areas of human beings and the importance of addressing them to achieve greater efficiency in their development.
well as active and conscious participation of the student to obtain them by building their own learning, making it more meaningful. 3.-Type
eleven competencies generic is defined in the Common Curriculum Framework
1 .- know and value themselves and addresses problems and challenges, taking into account the objectives pursued.
2 .- It is sensitive to art and participates in the assessment and interpretation of their expressions in various genres.
3 .- Select and practice healthy lifestyles.
4 .- Listen, interprets and delivers relevant messages in different contexts, using media in different contexts through the use of media, codes and tools.
5 .- Develop innovations and proposes solutions to problems, based on established methods. 6 .-
sustains a personal position on issues of interest and relevance, considering other points of view critically and reflectively. 7 .- Learn
initiative and self-interest over the life.
8 .- Participates and collaborates effectively in diverse teams.
9 .- Participate with a civic conscience and ethics in the life of their community, region, country and world.
10 .- Maintain a respectful attitude towards multiculturalism and diversity of beliefs, values, ideas and practices.
11 .- contributes to sustainable development in a critical, responsible actions.
4 .- How do you think I should be and that serves a competency-based training?
I think there should be an education based on development the whole person, with great respect, very motivated to get the student interested in learning and knowledge considered important to be taught, in addition to always find a practical way of implementing it in their lives, their environment, troubleshooting, always revealed the importance of their efforts to learn, they also found a connection between the school and its environment. To assist it in facing all challenges.
5 .- What does this approach to student life perspective?
security is going to be able to resolve all the challenges that life will also present to take responsibility for itself, financially and for their own training permanent, since the focus of competition pushes you to stay current in the branch that is dedicated. 6 .- Do you find differences in educational approach previous and current? What makes up?
Yes there are differences in the previous model and the current proposed since the first was a passive student participation, just as a receiver of information, memorizing, not being the main actor of the learning process. In the present is fully active, involved, proposed acts, decides, practice.
now intended to be a subject in which they can develop skills, abilities, values, and meeting the production needs of their environment, he was sowing the idea to stay current in their power to stay ahead and not left behind technological advances.


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